Monday, January 3, 2011

Lead Project #2 (Holiday Decorations) Proposal!

(This proposal is a late proposal. I have already finished this project)

Why am I planning this project? Well, because I wanted to spread the holiday joy around neighborhoods! This will be good for everyone!

What will I be doing? I will be decorating  close family friend's house with Christmas decorations before Christmas!

How will I be doing it? I will have my mom as a mentor and she will guide me on what to do and how to do things. The neighbors already have all the equiptment and I'm just putting them up.

Who will be involved? My mom, since she's my mentor, my cousin, and a friend from my old school. ot anyone from leadership because our house is really far from where anyone lives.

Where will it take place? At my neighbors house, of course!

How long will it take? This will take 3 days. I will go to the neighbors house for a couple of hours on a friday, saturday, and sunday. (Consecutive days)

How much will it cost? It will not cost any money! I'm doing this just to help.

Now to be more specific, I am doing this project in order to make my neighborhood look livelier (not that it isn't already)! I will be putting up my neighbors decorations for them and decorating their whole house! They have all the materials so all I need it hard work and labor. I will also have different people helping me with this. My mentor is my mom since she's been putting up our own house's decorations every year so far. Also, she is a good friend of my neighbor. I will decide where to put everything and how to put it. The only thing I will be instructed to do is how to put those decorations up. Another thing I will need is time. I will use up 3 days to put up all those decorations, of course with the help of my cousin and a friend! We will all work together to put up very nice decorations and lights! Each of us will have a job. For example, one person would put up the lights, one would put up the sculptures, ect. We will all help each other, of course. Before we put up the decorations, we'll plan out what we want and where we want it. We'll only be working for about 3-5 hours a day with breaks, s we don't get too tired or lazy.
The expected outcomes for this project is a GREAT looking house. PERFECT for a Christmas party. There will be lots of spirit and the whole neighborhood will light up! Also, the house owner will love the decorations.

A problem with this project is time. We might have planned out too much time or too little time. We are very well prepared besides that. We have the warm clothes and all the decorations! The decorations are already provided by the house owner. All we need is the willpower and hard work! (We might also need some snacks and refreshments, but my mom will prepare that for us). I do not need anything else; from the school, or from anyone else. This project is very important because our neighbor has not put up decorations for two yars because they are too lazy to! So this year we decided to do it for them for the holiday spirit! This will spread more spirit thrughout the neighborhood. As for the time situation, we will try our best to have enough time to finish. We will work our hardest and we won't slack off.

After this project, we will ask the house owner how they like the decorations. Also, we'll lookwith our own eyes to evaluate how we did based on how the decorations looked and how hard we worked. I know this project WILL be effective andWILL be successful because I chose hardowrking people to help me with this. Also, I promse to work hard too. I'm sure we can spread the Holiday joy!

All the equiptment, once again, is provided from the house owner; the tools, the decoration, the lights, everything. We just need to bring our hard work and our warm clothes to this project. Some people who are helping me with this is my cousin and a friend from my old school. I chose them because both of them lie closer to me and my neighbor so this will be easier for them. Also, because they have always been the hardworking people in my life and always helped me when I needed it. My mentor will be my mom. I chose her to be my mentor because she has a great ey for decorations and always makes decorations look good. She will be with us when we are decorating to guide us and what's better to do and such. Also, she would tell us how to put up the actual decorations. I chose to do this project because I like decorating things and being creative. Also, I think I'm a decent worker! (:

There was no money costs for this project I selected. Just hard work and sweat!

We decorate on Friday, Dec. 10, Saturday, Dec. 11, and Sunday, Dec. 12. From 12 - 4 p.m. each day. We will do what we can each day in that period of time.

This project is worthwhile because it doesn't take up THAT much time, but it helped people get in the holiday spirit and helps neighbors have nicer looking houses. We WILL work hard and we WILL make their hoses look nice.

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